But here's my new ride. James and Jeff from Alter Ego helped me pick the right bike. Some clean-up is still needed, but "kusiluikkari" test ride around the block proved the bike to be very rideable. Picture sucks, but you'll get the idea.
sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2011
New Whip, Part II
Got a new bike today after two days of garage building slavery. Also did this event on a bike where everyone tries to ride the set distance in shortest possible time, preferably faster than the other rider participating in the event. More about this later. Apparently there's another event like this also next weekend and I may need to check it out.
But here's my new ride. James and Jeff from Alter Ego helped me pick the right bike. Some clean-up is still needed, but "kusiluikkari" test ride around the block proved the bike to be very rideable. Picture sucks, but you'll get the idea.
But here's my new ride. James and Jeff from Alter Ego helped me pick the right bike. Some clean-up is still needed, but "kusiluikkari" test ride around the block proved the bike to be very rideable. Picture sucks, but you'll get the idea.
Lähetä kommentteja (Atom)
Onnea hankinnasta! Mitä olen seuraillut kirjoituksiasi, niin ko. merkki on ollut hakusessa pidempään. Ja eiköhän se kusiluistintesti ole totuus!
VastaaPoistaPyörän sielu tulee esiin parhaiten släpäreillä ajaessa. Tuli tossa muitakin merkkejä kateltua, mutta ei oikein homma natsannut syystä tai toisesta.